臺灣大學經典圖紋領帶-黃色 NTU logo textured tie yellow






Using NTU characters repetitively to create an original pattern for the tie, we use the idea of endless “NTU” to convey the NTU spirit of challenging the limits of ourselves.

We have it in 7 colors, including red, yellow, gold, dark and light blue, purple, and black. There are also different width of ties to choose from, our advice is that the wider ones are for people who are looking for a presence of senior decency, and also people who are in stronger, broader types of figures.

In order to show the patterns clearly, the contrast of the colors is adjusted higher in the pictures, the colors on real products are rather moderate.

尺寸 Dimensions|長x寬 Length x Width 145-148 x 7cm;145-148 x 8cm (禮盒 Box:26 x 11 x 3cm)
款式 Color|紅 red、黃 yellow、金 gold、深藍 dark blue、淺藍light blue、紫 purple、黑 black
材質 Material|聚酯纖維 Polyester
產地|臺灣 Made in Taiwan

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